07 November 2008

So much for starting my own dog waxing business...

Especially if a ton (literally, a ton) of people want a finely waxed pooch, I can make some cash.

Make too much and Premire Obama is gonna take it!

Incentive-ize Low Expectations? That Always Works!

You wanted him and you got him. Please enjoy your sacrifice.

15 per cent unemployment? Check.

Double-digit inflation? Check.

$6.00 per gallon gas (on the way)? Check.

Realizing that more than half of all Americans are total suckers? Check-a-roonie!

We will look back on this as the end of the middle of the end.

Obey Obama!

23 May 2008

This says it all.

Serious trouble, right here in River City...

Maxine Waters is a Commie?!

Get a real job and stop living off the people, leech.

You know nothing about oil and gas, except hot air.

24 April 2008

This was passed along to me by a friend, and was emailed to her by a Dane she knows:

"Why are you even having an election at all?

The three candidates are a bitch who is a lawyer;

A lawyer married to a bitch who's a lawyer;

and an ex-fighter pilot who is married to a woman with a huge chest, who owns a brewery."

No contest, indeed.

23 April 2008

28% of PA Republicans declined to vote for Juan McCain.

Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee, hope springs eternal.

03 April 2008

Hanoi Jane sez: It's an Obama-nation!

)) (net start polemic)

Enough. As the son of a Viet Nam vet I think it is high time for this dusty old C-U Next Tuesday to shuffle off the reservation.

After all, if she had shot that anti-aircraft gun at a troop transport with my father in it, no me, no mas.

This is why I take *her* continued existence personally.

I'm glad that her box office receipts have plummeted to new and instructive nadirs and her completely explicable irrelevance remains unabated.

At least we were spared her hydroencephalitic spawn with fellow chucklehead Ted "pederast mustache" Turner, since they are such fans of Zero Population Growth. This is one seed we did not need.

Nevertheless, I say to Jane Fonda: 15 doses of OxyContin and a bottle of vodka is a tasty treat I have been told. Please enjoy repeatedly.

)) (net stop polemic)

04 January 2008

The seven of you who have been through my blog may have noticed that I removed the Huckabee badge from this blog. This was due to the facts of his particular positions that are through-going and un-conservative, which are the majority.

My candidate is Ron Paul (R-TX).

My electable candidate? Fred.

I'm looking for a conservative irrespective of party affiliation. I want a candidate who will dismantle the IRS, the FCC, the EPA, the DEA, the ATF, and all the rest of the alphabet soup that is poisoning this country.

Unelected, appointed bureaucrats should have no power over citizens.

Don't be a subject, be a citizen.