06 November 2007

I sent this to Sen. Cornyn, R-TX:

"It is time for the United States Government to investigate the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on the pretext that it may indeed be funding terrorism. If it is appropriate for the House to hold hearings on global warming (which, despite the best intentions of the Left to close the debate, is still not reliable science), then the time has passed to investigate an organization that may funnel money to terrorists. CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in a case regarding the funding of Hamas. Despite the result of the case, I feel it is very necessary that our government begin investigations of these organizations. Thank you for every due consideration you can give to this most pressing issue."

They will bury us if we let them.
Chris Baker is now off the reservation of Clear Channel's strange "re-org" in Houston.

I'm sure he'll pop up elsewhere, just as Granato and Zeirlein did after taking the corporate radio pounding from CBS.

At least, I hope he will. We *need* his cogent analysis and the 50,000-watt think-tank.

And he gave those Inner-Loopy Liberals fits. It was awesome to hear.

All the more tragic that the Baker Broadcast Service is off the map.

I used to dream that, when the weather was just right, the BBS could reach even the most closed hippy mind in that far-off land of Austin; subvert all the silliness, clear the cobwebs and cannibis resin, and allow the eyes to open.

One day, this dream will be reality, when Chris is back on the air.

29 September 2007

I was taking a break from working on a Saturday, toiling at my sysadmin house-cleaning tasks, when I answered a "Blocked Call" on my landline.

I always assumed that when the NYT needed answers to one of their polls, they would call Westchester County and/or Malibu, ask a few left-leading questions, get ammo for a hit piece on whomever or whatever policy and some lazy S.O.B has an easy "issue-based" story to file that fits the narrative.

I can now attest that, at the very least, the calls to Westchester and Malibu are augmented by calls to other places, as I registered my safely anonymous contempt for liberal tax policies as well as move-on.crap this afternoon.

Expect further details, as events certainly warrant it.

20 September 2007

The following is a letter to Rep. Nick Lampson (D-TX), a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, and contains free advice for the reclamation of the Democrat Party from the Bleeding Edge of Reality.

"If indeed the Fiscally Conservative "Blue Dog" Democrat Coalition is to be relevant at all, it is time for the group to break with the party's leadership in the House, which has developed from an interesting oddity to seemingly owned, part and parcel, by the Socialist Left. It would behoove all members calling themselves "Blue Dogs" to make a decision best for
America and attempt to pull the party back to the Middle, lest Democrats suffer the trials of 1972 all over again.

History recorded McGovern's ignominious defeat at the ballot box, attributable to what, at the time, was called the "Rad/Lib Caucus" and the constantly shifting "Youth Vote". It was on that pyre that burnt the political carcasses of Sam Yorty, "Scoop" Jackson, H. H. Humphrey and The Hon. Geo. Wallace, among others.

This is a pernicious and dangerous leap into the void of poisonous and detrimental contributions of the Neo-Fascists. Those who masquerade as civil libertarians and "staunch supporters" of America's troops, but not America's Mission will destroy the so-called "Party of the People", if it cannot reclaim its former glory.

It is said that there is room in the "big tent" for everyone who arrives; that the Democrats will take all comers. However, the modern party philosophy seems to have degenerated into taking not just the tired and the poor, but anyone looking for a handout or the continuation of the status quo: government spending like drunken sailors with stolen credit cards. These are the members who would erode completely the foundation of the party and the country itself for power.

The opportunity exists for the coalition to appeal to the silent majority of American's whose motto is: "leave me alone". The Blue Dogs can cause a "Red Shift" in the party philosophy from Socialist wind-mill tilting to getting government on the right track, out of people's lives and in the background, which would seem to be the coalition's goal.

The single solution is a public and vociferous break with the party leadership in the House to a more intellectually stable and non-partisan position on many issues, not the least of which are domestic spending, the war on terror, and secure borders.

Thank you for your time."

19 September 2007

The Single Thing I require for refutation of Government Healthcare is the Post Office.

1. Think about the last time you were at the post office.

2. Think about the last time you were at your doctor's office.

3. Superimpose the images on one another.


The merciless fact that do-gooders and bum-wipers, hippies and old-guard socialists alike (read: the modern Democrat party) must face is that healthcare is as much of a right as solid-gold toilets and fornication with supermodels.

What *is* a right is the choice available to you.

If you choose to have health care, you pay for it.

If your job doesn't provide healthcare, get a job that does.

If you need more education to get that job that gets you healthcare, go to school.

All of this is your choice; no one is being a bossy-britches, not yet, anyway.

If we all pledge allegiance to President Bossy-Britches? Different story entirely: mandatory doctor visits; waiting lines for standard care; a price tag of better that $500 Billion a year.

Final Thought: If liberals are so concerned about keeping the government *out* of women's bodies, why do many of them want the government *in charge* of women's bodies?

17 September 2007

20 years ago Al and Tipper Gore put rock and roll on trial. What would happen if they tried the same thing today?

I think those ubiquitous labels they succeeded in attaching to every recorded piece of music deemed filthy has actually helped.

Imagine how filthy "Candy Shop" could have been without that label to govern Fitty's language.

How would Al Gore's Acolytes react if he suddenly came out on the side of *gasp* censorship?

My God, what a conservative thing to do! That bastard! That twisted son of a fascist!

This is the dark time in Al's past that his Hollywood bum-kissers want redacted from the auspicious history of the beefy ex-senator who invented the Internet.

The modern DNC seems to have disowned Tipper and the august traditions of the PMRC.

Whether or not this is part of the DNC's Millennial McGovern-ing remains to be seen.

16 September 2007

Is there such a thing as superior culture?

Can one reduce cultural relativism to absurdity?

Is it possible to be too pretentious?

The answers to all these and more, here, from RedStatePunk.