17 September 2007

20 years ago Al and Tipper Gore put rock and roll on trial. What would happen if they tried the same thing today?

I think those ubiquitous labels they succeeded in attaching to every recorded piece of music deemed filthy has actually helped.

Imagine how filthy "Candy Shop" could have been without that label to govern Fitty's language.

How would Al Gore's Acolytes react if he suddenly came out on the side of *gasp* censorship?

My God, what a conservative thing to do! That bastard! That twisted son of a fascist!

This is the dark time in Al's past that his Hollywood bum-kissers want redacted from the auspicious history of the beefy ex-senator who invented the Internet.

The modern DNC seems to have disowned Tipper and the august traditions of the PMRC.

Whether or not this is part of the DNC's Millennial McGovern-ing remains to be seen.

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