20 September 2007

The following is a letter to Rep. Nick Lampson (D-TX), a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, and contains free advice for the reclamation of the Democrat Party from the Bleeding Edge of Reality.

"If indeed the Fiscally Conservative "Blue Dog" Democrat Coalition is to be relevant at all, it is time for the group to break with the party's leadership in the House, which has developed from an interesting oddity to seemingly owned, part and parcel, by the Socialist Left. It would behoove all members calling themselves "Blue Dogs" to make a decision best for
America and attempt to pull the party back to the Middle, lest Democrats suffer the trials of 1972 all over again.

History recorded McGovern's ignominious defeat at the ballot box, attributable to what, at the time, was called the "Rad/Lib Caucus" and the constantly shifting "Youth Vote". It was on that pyre that burnt the political carcasses of Sam Yorty, "Scoop" Jackson, H. H. Humphrey and The Hon. Geo. Wallace, among others.

This is a pernicious and dangerous leap into the void of poisonous and detrimental contributions of the Neo-Fascists. Those who masquerade as civil libertarians and "staunch supporters" of America's troops, but not America's Mission will destroy the so-called "Party of the People", if it cannot reclaim its former glory.

It is said that there is room in the "big tent" for everyone who arrives; that the Democrats will take all comers. However, the modern party philosophy seems to have degenerated into taking not just the tired and the poor, but anyone looking for a handout or the continuation of the status quo: government spending like drunken sailors with stolen credit cards. These are the members who would erode completely the foundation of the party and the country itself for power.

The opportunity exists for the coalition to appeal to the silent majority of American's whose motto is: "leave me alone". The Blue Dogs can cause a "Red Shift" in the party philosophy from Socialist wind-mill tilting to getting government on the right track, out of people's lives and in the background, which would seem to be the coalition's goal.

The single solution is a public and vociferous break with the party leadership in the House to a more intellectually stable and non-partisan position on many issues, not the least of which are domestic spending, the war on terror, and secure borders.

Thank you for your time."

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